Nurture Their Nature: Challenging Behavior Needs Alternative Answers of Refraining

Image above “The Throne Scene”: The Spiritual Spheres aka “orb” of light, wheels- “eyelid” A.D. (“The Power”)- 1) A (South- Eagle) Awareness- Strength, Empathy (Mercy/Grace); 2) X (North- Man) Divinity- Love & Honor; S.C. (“The Glory”)- 3) K (East-Ox) Courage, Compassion (Glory/Victory); 4) N (West- Lion) Redemption- Faith & Hope; (top) ὦ- Cross for Omega, “His Kingdom Stands”: Forever and Ever Amen.

Personality Types– normally two types with one more dominate…

Dominance: direct, strong-willed, and forceful (Greek letter A (South- Eagle-Fire) fast-paced and skeptical)

Influence: sociable, talkative, and lively (Greek letter K (East-Ox-Air) fast-paced and accepting)

Steadiness: gentle, accommodating, and soft-hearted (Greek letter N (West- Lion-Water) moderate-paced and accepting)

Conscientiousness: private, analytical, and logical (Greek letter X (North- Man– Earth) moderate-paced and skeptical)

Hebrews 1:7 (ESV) Of the angels he says,

“He makes his angels winds, and his ministers a flame of fire.”

The Problem: We are seeing children/adults digress with gulf-sized disconnect and low self-esteem. Each child/adult is multidimensional and ALL our systems and senses need to function equalized, activated, and balanced for learning to take place. The triune brain which is the neomammalian complex (RAS- aka neocortex), midbrain (pons- aka limbic system), and forebrain (thymus aka reptilian) is working on a downward function. People are using their mental and emotional bodies to learn not their etherical body (etheric).

The Solution: When using the etherical body, ALL our systems and senses will function equalized, activated, and balanced. The triune brain needs to be working in an upward function (no longer perform in a protective function). With a functional upward system, the child [or adult] can trust themselves and their gifts and learning uniquenesses through spiritual mindset with self-directed neuroplasticity through ABC’s and gain God awareness (eventually unity) through PYAM Daily. Their offered the freedom arising from conditions within the brain, senses, or sense organs and not directly caused not by external stimuli but the knowing with themselves which is a trust in their subjective, divergent mind.

What is Spiritual Refrain? Keep oneself from doing, feeling, or indulging in something and especially from following a passing impulse, thought, idea, feeling, or emotion by Spiritual Mindset. A Spiritual Mindset is an existence in ultimate reality encompassing divine power of truth by supernatural influence/flow of beliefs and scripture such as a comment or statement that is often repeated, such as those of:

love- loyalty

joy- honesty

peace- faith

strength- justice

kindness- uprightness






‘But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. ‘ Galatians 5:22-23

Note (pic. above): In Jewish tradition says the “four standards” under which Israel encamped in the wilderness, to the east, Judah, to the north, Dan, to the west, Ephraim, to the south, Reuben, were respectively a lion, an eagle, an ox, and a man, while in the midst was the tabernacle containing the Shekinah symbol of the Divine Presence.” Furthermore, The Jewish Book Of The Days coincide with the Jewish Medicine wheel, where the The East, Mizrach, means the “place of shining,” The South, D’rom, means “the place of heights,” The West, Ma’arav, means “the place of blending” and The North, Tzafon, means “the hidden place” and prepare for gilgul—the Hebrew word for reincarnation, or literally “wheel.”

THE 7 Spirits Of God- “The Holy Spirit” Sphere

——————–BODY-Brain-SOUL CONNECTION Ruled by 2nd chakra (RAS)——————–

First Sphere= A Simple, Humble & Eager “Life” Intent of Transformation by The Spirit of Rebirth, Redemption, and Refrain

Quadrant 1/3rd Dimension- Body (Physical, Mental & Emotional) RAS Rectangular Activation System- including ACC/HPA- Concrete Thought (conscious develops around age 2), The Body, Brain, & Breath of Jesus (1-3) Awareness The Present, RAS- HPA/ACC the aka neocortex (Body & Brain- breath). It’s the cognitive and physical “what” which is the “The Way”, Pray for Yourself (have Others pray) For The Following:

HEART= Gifts– The Outer Court for Dominance: direct, strong-willed, and forceful (fast-paced and skeptical)

Description: The ETHOS- “the what” or meaning which is the RAS= HPA & ACC (body & brain= brain stem) processing side and short-term memory- it’s the present and the arousal of the limbic cortex such as: ACC- amygdala, and the hippocampus. The RAS (Rectangular Activation System) is where our dreams come- God’s purpose for The Kingdom into our reality and then onto fruition by the sense and sense organs such as: eyes (understand-knowledge) and ears (wisdom-comprehend). We need healing to have grace (empathy) and mercy (strength) for shame or anger can prohibit (love versus fear– say to rebuke: No Fear, Only Love). Correlated with chakras 6–8th so needing empathy. Awareness of God’s Intentions (Will) for Us! The Dominions, Cherubim, Seraphim, and Angels.

Divine Gifts (3D)

Ras/ HPA & ACC/Gut – to know, perceive, recognize, have, aware, cognizant, do laugh, exercise, bible study

Concrete Thought Cont. (conscious develops around age 2)

  • Physical Self (chakras 1–3): The power anger/strength, joy, bliss, peace, shame/empathy, grace/mercy
  • Vestibular & Somatosensory Senses & Proprioception, Tactile Senses= RAS (chakras 6-8, body and brain) & THE GUT
  • dysgraphia, dysphasia, cp, self-regulation, attention & executive functioning


Is s/he frequently irritable?

Does s/he overreact to small problems?

Does s/he have intense, angry outbursts?

Does s/he have outbursts for little or no apparent reason? (specify situations in which outbursts occur)?

Attention and Executive Function:

Is s/he easily distractible; does he act without thinking?

Is s/he restless, not able to sit still; is he overly active?

Does s/he have difficulty initiating or finishing tasks such as homework?

Does s/he have difficulty finding things in his/her room or desk?

Is his/her written work poorly organized, does s/he have difficulty planning ahead?

Does s/he forget to hand in homework?


——————–Physical Ruled by 2nd chakra——————–

(suggestion: consciousness begins around age 2 years)

-1st chakra (base) Shame/Empathy- meaning for grace

-2nd chakra (sacral) Peace, Bliss and Joy (happiness)- motivation for happiness

-3rd chakra (solar plexus) Anger/Strength (can do 1 & 3 together- gaia gate)- meaning for mercy

Prayer (see below) :

For I praise The Lord, Thank you God for _________________(intent). Therefore, I am ______________ __________________(affirmation) and I have ________________(belief). Thank you God for your ______________, (connection) In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Lower Personal Self: The Gifts

I: Awareness of Transmutation

Body of Christ- “The Way” (Joy) =Gifts

A. Affirmations of Authority

b. I am Worthy

c. Mercy= forgiveness, justice, knowledge, unconditional Love (releases anger/strength)

b. I am Enough

c. Grace= freedom, abundance, and devotion (releases shame/empathy)

God, what’s my (Your) reality? What are my gifts? (physical, emotional rational mind, personal power and will- Ego Center)


(Anger) Mental Body– Anger Sympathetic Functional System Dominance- (SFD) needs body/soul consciousness, connection, and autonomy for help along with the following:

HPA- Part of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal axis which is part of RAS (6-8th chakra) along with the 4th chakra especially the 7th chakra and 8th which is the Crown, Pituitary and Soma Chakra (right behind 3rd eye) which is known for decreasing energy (hypoarousal) and increasing consciousness.

Note: The HPA axis is responsible for the neuroendocrine adaptation component of the stress response.

(RAS- HPA & ACC) The Body, Heart of Jesus (1-3rd chakras) Awareness The Present– Appearance as Eagle (1st Seal)

Awareness of Transmutation– Greek Letter A- alpha (first or primary)

Body of Christ- “The Way” for “The Beginners”-Fire, “Purgation of The Soul” (Joy-Heart) Simply Live, Love & Laugh

1st-3rd Energy Centers (Chakras 1-3) Ray-Justice (pink- South)

  • Right Hand-of God (Michael & Zadkiel, Archangel Barachiel, Jegudiel), Mercy & Grace- Power of Strength, “the place of blending” means “here nor there” & Sacred Fire
  • Spirit of Power (The Way- Power In The Word)- awareness, strength (Micheal) & Archaeic Faith Kindness= grace/mercy
  • The Sword is His Word- the Living Bible- Bow & Crown
  • Emotions: Anger with Strength (Mercy)/Shame with Empathy (Grace)
  • The first foundation was Jasper Revelation 21:19 plus Sapphire, Mahasiah- Jade & Agate….Apostle Thomas Revelation 21:14.
  • Beta & Gamma 417 Hz and HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE
  • See Gaia & Nature Spirits-Earth Elements/Guides (Saints, Popes)
  • Independence (Autonomy), Knowledge, Justice, Understanding
  • Trinity– Joy (Jesus), Bliss (God), Peace (Holy Spirit)
  • Calm- physical activity, yoga, Tai Chi- doing bible study
  • Working out God’s Intentions & Your Own Will (Moses Laws)- Atonement “Mercy Seat”- Chair “The Eyes” to See & Understand (knowledge)
  • Tribe of Reuben, The Throne of Grace (Gold)
  • See Faith Corresponds with 6-8th chakras (Twin Flame) (3D- (11th to the 2nd Power) 2nd chakra activates 1-7 chakras)

Michael (Fire)- (Mu Key el) Cardinal Angel of the Southern Corner, Elemental Angel of FireMichael the Archangel – soldiers, paramedics, paratroopers, police officers, security officers. As such, scriptural artwork depicts him as a warrior most often carrying a sword. Archangel Michael assists situations where you are afraid, confused or concerned for your safety. He helps to release fear and doubt, and supports us in making life changes and is often said to work closely with those who perform healing work or provide spiritual teaching. He can even fix mechanical and electrical problems! Additional areas where Archangel Michael can be of assistance include courage, direction, energy and vitality, all aspects of life purpose, motivation, space clearing, spirit releasement, worthiness and self- esteem.

——————–BODY-SOUL CONNECTION Ruled by 8th chakra (Pons)——————–

Divine Blessings (4D)

Quadrant 2-4/ 4. 5, 6th Dimensions- PONS Abstract Thought (spiritual conscious begins develops around age 7, makes a jump at 12), The Heart & Breath of Holy Ghost (4-6) Counsels/Heals You Presently, PONS aka limbic system (Body & Mind- breath). It’s the affective and the physical “why” which is “The Truth” for “The Proficients”“Purgation of The Spirit”.

Pons– to come, meet, move, reach, arrive, approach, advance,speak love

Note: The PATHOS- “the why” or motivation which is the Pons (body & mind = midbrain) which is a small part of the brain above the pons that integrates sensory information and relays it upward (RAS). Similar to the RAS, it is responsible for arousal (hyper-, hypo-, and varied) and plays a role in mood. In terms of long–term physiological changes, it is also associated with long-term memory- it’s the past and the future. This is also where dreams and God’s purpose for The Kingdom by the sense and sense organs such as: hands (act through touch- soul) and feet (move- spirit). It is where our dreams come into our reality and then onto fruition and grief and hatred can prohibit instead of compassion and courage (love versus fear- say to rebuke: Not True, I Am Love). Correlated with chakras 1st-8th so needing courage and compassion. Affirmations of God’s Will for Us Along With Our Beliefs! The Principalities, Thrones, Archangels, Virtues, and Powers.

SOUL-SPIRIT CONNECTION (Ezkeil- 8th Chakra)- The Senses Make Up Themselves & Their Corresponding Systems and Functions along with Soul -Body connections

“Purgation of The Spirit”. Pons– to come, meet, move, reach, arrive, approach, advance, speak love Note: The PATHOS- “the why” or motivation which is the Pons (body & mind = midbrain) which is a small part of the brain above the pons that integrates sensory information and relays it upward (RAS). Similar to the RAS, it is responsible for arousal (hyper-, hypo-, and varied) and plays a role in mood. In terms of long–term physiological changes, it is also associated with long-term memory- it’s the past and the future. This is also where dreams and God’s purpose for The Kingdom by the sense and sense organs such as: hands (act through touch- soul) and feet (move- spirit). It is where our dreams come into our reality and then onto fruition and grief and hatred can prohibit instead of compassion and courage (love versus fear- say to rebuke: Not True, I Am Love). Correlated with chakras 1st-8th so needing courage and compassion. Affirmations of God’s Will for Us Along With Our Beliefs! The Principalities, Thrones, Archangels, Virtues, and Powers. SOUL-SPIRIT CONNECTION (Ezkeil- 8th Chakra)- The Senses Make Up Themselves & Their Corresponding Systems and Functions along with Soul -Body connections. I suggest, to visually think of the body as the four pillars or sides (Thymus, Pons, RAS & ARAS) of a pyramid are closely connected to the symbolism of the TREE (Tree of Life); it also represents stability, and a broken pillar represents death and mortality (Jesus’ Salvation). In the Hebrew and Christian traditions, pillars of internal FIRE (Sacred Fire) and smoke (The Cloud) signify the presence of God, and God punished Lot by changing his wife into a pillar of salt. The Tree is also represented with 3 pillars based on Kabbalah (Gnosis) includes 3 pillars: The book of creation 22 Hebrew letters which consist of God Consciousness at the head (ARAS-crown) and Jesus at the root (our physical being). The 3 pillars: (Heart) Left pillar of Mercy-Knowledge (Yin) is masculine (new brain-Native American), (Mind) Right pillar of Grace-Wisdom (Yang) is feminine (old brain- Native American). Prayer, meditation, and studying the Torah/Bible (10 zipoph) which leads to true spiritually will Balance-Will the pillars (YinYang). Other representations: The body and heart is Jesus, Mary (for Catholics) & The Holy Spirit of God the mind. EM Field is our affective-spiritual components which include the following: a healthy and functional physiological, sensory-motor systems meaning our exteroception and interception (“our senses”) including our sensory system (especially visual and auditory) along with central and peripheral nervous systems- which is regulated by RAS & ACC/HPA, Pons (parts of the brain), thymus and biofield (including electromagnetic field, internal chakras).

EM Field is our affective-spiritual components which include the following: a healthy and functional physiological, sensory-motor systems meaning our exteroception and interoception (“our senses”) including our sensory system (especially visual and auditory) along with central and peripheral nervous systems- which is regulated by RAS & ACC/HPA, Pons (parts of the brain), thymus and biofield (including electromagnetic field, internal chakras).

Lower Personal Self: The Wishes

  • Social/Emotional Self (4-5th and see chakras 6–8, soul mind)
  • Olfactory & Gustatory Senses= Thymus (12th chakra, all chakras, high heart & mind)
  • all learning difficulties, higher functioning autism (see anxiety and sadness)

God, what’s my (Your) purpose? What are my wishes? (Higher Purpose & Will- Acceptance of Christ Center and His Will & Purpose)


Do you think your child worries more than other children?

What does s/he worry about?

Does s/he ever have problems falling asleep because she is worrying about something, can’t turn his/her mind off?

Does your child have many fears?

Is s/he easily scared?

Can s/he be easily comforted by reassurance?


——————-Mental Ruled by 8th chakra see below (RAS)——————–

(suggestion: starts to develop around age 7, big jump at age 12+)

-4th chakra (heart) Hatred/Courage- meaning for Hope

-5th chakra (throat) Grief/Compassion (can do 4 & 5 together-earth star)

+thymus (see number 8 below)- meaning for Faith

Oppositional and Aggressive behavior:

Is your child destructive to toys or other objects?

Does s/he say “no” or refuse to comply when asked to do something?

Does your child regularly argue with you (parents), teachers?

Does s/he tease or bully another child? Has s/he been teased or bullied?

Is s/he aggressive with siblings, peers or adults, e.g., hits or pushes?

Does s/he swear, call names or make threats?


(Shame) Emotional Body–Shame Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance (PFD)- needs body/soul connection and attunement for help along with the following:

ACC- which is part of RAS (6-8th chakra) & Gut (2 nd chakra) with the Pineal, Pituitary, Carotid Glands, and PONS area of the brain especially the 8th chakra which is the Crown, 5th & 6th chakra, and Alta Major Chakra which is known for increasing energy (hyperarousal), also includes VACC involved in emotional appraisals, cognitive control, and error T. Also, work on the thymus with the thymus chakra also known as the seat of the soul, vagus nerve chakra, or aka etheric chakra.

—————–Emotional (mind and cellular level) Ruled by 8th chakra (RAS)

-6th chakra (third eye) Grace (freedoms-abundance, devotion)- motivation is Glory

-7th chakra (cosmic) Mercy (forgiveness-release fear/unconditional love)- motivation is Victory

-8th chakra (crown) The entrance of centralized chord “purple/gold to the “high heart-mind=soul chakra”- Glory-gratitude/Victory-harmony (Includes the vagus nerve (thymus) to the base (1-3)), in turn includes alta major and soma chakras (RAS, Pons)- ultimate motivation (soul level)

Prayer (see below) :

For I praise The Lord, Thank you God for _________________(intent). Therefore, I am ______________ __________________(affirmation) and I have ________________(belief). Thank you God for your ______________, (connection) In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

I: Awareness of Revelation

Heart of Holy Ghost-“The Truth” (Humble) =Wishes /Dreams

A. Affirmation Of Power

b. I am Worthy

c. Glory= I have Purity (harmony).

(releases hatred/courage)

b. I am Enough

c. Victory= I have Blamelessness (gratitude).

(releases grief/compassion)


Second Sphere= Rebirth- “Birth” Transformation & Affirmation (Simple)

(PONS) The Mind & Breath of Holy Ghost (4-6) Counsels/Heals You Past/Future– Appearance as Ox (2nd Seal)

Awareness of Revelation– Greek Letter K (Wisdom & Purity) for Influence: sociable, talkative, and lively (fast-paced and accepting)

The Blessing- Given Robes

Air-Holy Ghost-“The Truth” (Humble (Peaceful) Mind)

Quadrant 2/ 4th (Chakras 5th) Ray-Heal, Love Others (blue- East) New Humanity Consciousness -Master Heaven 2 “Paradise”, Pray for Yourself (have Others pray) For The Following:

  • Left of God (Blue- Raphael) Breath of Wind (White-Holy Ghost)
  • Spirit of Wisdom/Truth- truth, healing, belonging & “Numa” Mother Mary “Foundation of the Pillars
  • The Pillars are Second and Sapphire Revelation 21:19….Apostle John Revelation 21:14.
  • Tree of Life- new beginnings and birth
  • Onynx- black, Surround Wind from West, Breath, Hear Wind/Breath
  • Theta (Connection) 432 Hz plus —and HERE, HERE Eases and Initiates Change
  • Working out God’s Intentions & Your Own Will (Moses Laws): The Testimony of God”- “The Ears” to Comprehend (“wisdom” of Victory- August, 2020)
  • Purity (Glory)- Angel of Healing and “place of shining”
  • Calm= Affirmations/Listen= Petitions (Repent- Renewal Of Mind)
  • Tribe of Ephrain, “The Laver” part of “The Outer Court” represents the BODY of Man-The Court of Petitions (Iron- Fortitude)- A Great Sword- symbolizes the sacrifice of Jesus’ body
  • Corresponds with Divine Glory & Victory (Chakras 9-10th), and Corresponds with 1-3rd chakras

Raphael (Air)- Cardinal Angel of the Eastern Corner, Elemental Angel of Air. Raphael the Archangel – doctors, pharmacists, nurses, shepherds, matchmakers, travelers, healing Archangel Raphael, whose name means ‘God heals’, is the archangel designated for physical and emotional healing. In Hebrew the word “rophe” means ‘to heal’. Archangel Raphael not only helps in healing individuals but also helps healers in their healing practice. He can help reduce addictions and cravings and is powerful in healing other injuries and illnesses, with cures often occurring immediately, and healing individuals but also helps healers. Archangel Raphael aids in restoring and maintaining harmony and peace. He is also the patron of travelers, watching over them to ensure a safe and harmonious journey. Working in conjunction with Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael helps to clear away fears and stressors that maybe adversely affecting your health.

Acceptance of Salvation– Greek Letter N- Nu (Converge or Turning Point to God’s Power and Influence)- Appearance as Lion (3rd Seal)

Third Sphere= Redeem & Rejoice- “Marriage” Redemption and Belief (Humble)

Water- “The Light” (Surrender (Righteousness)-Soul)

Divine Gate (5D) for the Steadiness: gentle, accommodating, and soft-hearted (moderate-paced and accepting)

“Lions Gate” (5D)- Redemption

Mind Of God In Your Soul

Quadrant 3/ 5th (Chakras 4th) Ray- Praise, Self-Disciple (green- West)- Master Heaven 1 “The In-Between”, Pray for Yourself For The Following:

Soul= Favor of Blessings

  • Front of of God (Green-Gabriel), The Cross of Jesus, Lion of Lions Gate (above) known as the “Spiritual Sun”, Living Water (White- Holy Ghost), Queen of the South along with /MI-ra/ gestorum,” in Latin meaning “miracle.” Saint John of The Cross.”.- Yehudah (יהודה)- “thanksgiving” or “praise,” blow silver horn on Judgment Day, associating the divine, or infinite, with the finite and repentance and waiting with Hope (Archaic of Hope)
  • The Fourth is Emerald Revelation 21:19…Apostle Bartholow Revelation 21:14.
  • Purity- Spirit of Praise (Faith)- completion, purity (Saint Jegudiel)
  • Blamelessness- Angel of Strength of Devotion Self-discipline (Angel Maion)
  • Emerald (green), Surround Water, Drink Water, Hear Water, symbolically Wash Hands/Feet
  • Alpha (Belief) – 528 Hz and HERE —DNA repair (inner love/oneness)
  • Working for God’s Intentions (Ezekiel)- “The Hands” (Hope- see Sacred Fire (1-3/red-orange, pink), Faith- touch healing with Living Water- green/purple)
  • Jordan River- Pair of Balances. gain radiance “the place of heights” and “place of cleansing”- getting Baptized
  • Calm= Prayer/Praise– worship (Rejoice- Wellness Of Mind)
  • Tribe of Judah, “Brazen Alter”- The Court of Zion (Bronze- Redemption w/Mercy)- symbolizes cleansing and preparing
  • See Hope/Faith (11th Chakra), also 1-3rd chakra

Gabriel (Water)- Cardinal Angel of the Western Corner, Elemental Angel of Water. Gabriel the Archangel – communications workers, postal workers, broadcasters, messengers, radio/television workers, radiologists, diplomats, ambassadors, emergency dispatchers, police dispatchers. As the patron of communications, Archangel Gabriel is the messenger angel, acting as a messenger of God. She helps writers, teachers, journalists and artists to convey their message, to find motivation and confidence, and to market their skills. She also assists in overcoming issues of fear and procrastination in communication as well as in all areas related to children, helping during conception, pregnancy, childbirth and child rearing.

Divine Unity (6D)

Red-Orange Light- Judgement Looking @”The Leb” High-Heart/Mind
Fourth Sphere= Refrain By Living In Love- “Death” Completion and Connection (Eager)

Received Power- I AM GOD– Greek Letter X Chi (Balance or Eternal Existence) – Appearance as Man (4th Seal)

Earth- “The Spirit of God” (Harmony- Mind) Simply Live, Love & Laugh

Quadrant 4/ 6th (Chakras 6) Ray- Save, Love Oneself (red-orange- North)- Master Heaven 3 “Heaven”, Pray for Yourself For The Following:

Spirit= Favor of Miracles for the Steadiness: gentle, accommodating, and soft-hearted (moderate-paced and accepting)

  • Behind of God The Air (Red-orange-Earth)- Jasper Mirror, Living God Phoenix- Aurora and Uriel (Twin Flames)
  • Spirit of Revelation (Presence)- encouragement, service, harmony, beauty
  • Carnelian (red-orange), Garden, Time In Nature
  • Theta (Connection) 639 Hz— and HERE, HERE Heals Relationships (Love, Peace, Miracles)
  • The Third is Agate Revelation 21:19…Apostle Thomas Revelation 21:14.
  • Spiritual Death & Hades
  • Holy- Angel of Divine Light (Love) “the hidden place” means prepare for the Gilgul—the Hebrew word for reincarnation, or literally “wheel” (see 7th chakra below).
  • Working for God’s Intentions (Ezekiel)- “The Feet” being moved by The Spirit of God- getting anointed
  • Calm= Meditation (Live= Laugh, Strength, Love, Oneness Of Mind)
  • Tribe of Dan, “Bronze Laver”- The Court of Mediation (Silver-Judgement) symbolizes God’s Word
  • Corresponds with Divine Love & Honor (Chakras 9-11th) also See Faith (4th chakra), Mercy (3rd chakra)

Uriel (/your el/ Earth) Carnial Angel of the Northern Corner, Elemental Angel of Earth. The faithful turn to Uriel for thankfulness or I can invoke help seeking God’s will before making decisions, learning new information, solving problems and resolving conflicts. They also turn to him for help letting go of destructive emotions such as anxiety and anger, which can prevent believers from discerning wisdom or recognizing dangerous situations.

——————–SOUL- SPIRIT CONNECTION Ruled by 11th chakra (Thymus)——————-

Divine Miracles & Signs (7D plus)

● ● ● GOD● ● ●Further Focus – Greek Letter O OMEGA (last/final/ultimate)

(THYMUS) Termed by Solomon aka “Leb” or “Lebab” , “The Mind”/Highest Heart or “Seat of The Soul”, “Fountain”“Fountain of Youth” . Thymus– to be, have, belong, remain, and imagine living in love. Guard the fountain, lest the waters be poisoned. (Cp.Ge 26:18192021), The Mind & Spirit of God (Chakras 7-12) The Infinite (The Seventh Seal)– Master Within Heaven 3 “Highest Heaven” for “The Proficients”.


THYMUS SuperConscious Thought Cont. (around age 21–24, makes a jump at 30), (THYMUS) Metatron-The Mind & Soul of God (7-12) The Future (The Seventh Seal- Universal Consciousness), THYMUS aka reptilian (H. Heart & Mind- authentic breath). It’s the God-Soul, Authentic Spirit self connection which is infinite “The Light”. It’s God’s Congregation and The Sprint Of Life along with Our Soul-Spirit Connection With God, Conquering Fear and Impartation of Living with Joy, Peace, Harmony and Bliss! Along With Two Trees (Life & Light)- corresponds with 5th & 6th chakra, Flow With Fruit Of The Spirit (scroll yo bottom). Filled With The “Golden Oil” of The Lamp: Divine Love/Honor= Divine Purity/Revelation, & Divine Power/Authority. The The Seraphim & Cherubim. Commit, therefore, both heart and mouth to Divine discipline. (Ps 19:13141:34.). The leb aka heart and mind carries along several other organs of the body (cf. ear and eyes already in Pr 4:2021) mentioned frequently in wisdom instruction: mouth, lips, and eyes (parallel to “eyelids” or “orbs” in Pr 4:25), mouth, lips, and even the foot and hand.

Note: The Ascending Reticular Activating System (ARAS) itself is on the cerebral cortex and is responsible for the achievement of super consciousness (achieved higher transpersonal self) . Note: The ARAS doesn’t fully develop in the brain until variably, around the ages 21–24 years old (Fowler, J.W. 1998). [“Fowler Faith Stages.” Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, 2012, pp. 1323–1323., doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6_]. THE Authentic Self (the true question/answer) is the Thymus (high heart & mind= soul) a connection of perception between all affective and behavioral cognitive experiences on a cellular level (cellular memory) including the mainstream universal emotions of anger, strength, joy, bliss, shame, empathy, courage, compassion, and harmony and relays it upward (PONS). It’s also where you can find the “imagination” and “intelligence” that lies within all of us of God’s Will. This is where the God’s mind creates our purpose and God’s purpose for The Kingdom by filtering, interpreting our world and experiences which is expressed through the mouth by rejoicing and telling others about His Kingdom, in turn, this creates our dreams into reality of miracles and blessings.

Euphraino means: a “well mind” (yoo-frah’ee-no/ eu, “well,” phren, “the mind” intellect, disposition)- by having a cause for celebration, make glad; (mid./pass.) to celebrate, rejoice, be glad Definition:  to gladden, 2 Cor. 2:2; pass. to be glad, exult, rejoice, Lk. 12:19; Acts 2:26; mid. to feast in toof joy, keep a day of rejoicing, Lk. 15:23, 24, 29, 2. k In Hebrew equivalents: joy as an emotion (e.g. Ps. 16:11); joy in someone or something (2Sa. 1:26; Eccl. 11:9); joy in God (Neh. 8:10; Ps. 33:21); joy in God’s word (Jer. 15:16; Ps. 119:14); joy in the keeping of the commandments (Ps. 119:162); joy in the time of salvation (Isa. 35:10; 52:12).

Our healing is centered based on our thymus aka leb and what we focus on or need healing to become pure and blameless. and Nothing Can Prohibit- ONLY LOVE IF RECEIVED Upon by GOD (Perceptions of God). Correlated with chakra 9-12 and all the rest of the chakras.

To Avoid insensibility Work on The Thymus- by asking God, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” Isaiah 60:1

Conrad Mbewe has an article entitled Pastoral Purity in which he addresses guarding our hearts “thymus” {leb}…We need to consistently evaluate the purity of our hearts in prayer, asking God to reveal the little things that contaminate us. As God reveals our wrong attitudes, longings, and desires, we must remove them from our hearts. (from Joshua Harris’ book I Kissed Dating Goodbye. Multnomah Publishers). Keeping the eye and heart {leb} and spirit and conscience pure is the future of a man’s ministry. So, beware of sins of the heart—pride, envy, jealousy, lust, greed, anger, and sloth. To leave the heart unguarded is to surrender the whole citadel of the soul. “As the heart is the center of motion to the circulation of the blood, which is the (animal) life (Lv 17:1114), so spiritually, as the seat of the desires and affections, it is designed to be the center and fountain of the heavenly life,” [Faussett].

The first responsibility in this single-eyed pursuit of godliness is the guarding of the heart. The wise man spoke well when he said, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (Proverbs 4:23).

Note: There are some, who are different than you in their form of their belief of God, that may have a connection with God that you don’t understand. Try not to judge or worry, because God knows everything including their Leb (heart and mind). Just pray for others in His strength and treat them in His kindness. God sees the inner condition and judges the person accordingly (1 Samuel 16:7Psalms 44:21Matthew 5:8Revelation 2:23 (Bridgeway Bible Dictionary)

  • Divine UNITY of Spirit God (chakras 9–12- adults and TFSD)
  • The regulator and amplified power of Grace, Mercy, Gratitude, Purity, Blamelessness, Power, Acceptance, Curiosity, Glory & Victory
  • All mental disorders and dementia (including Alzheimers), lower functioning autism, depression

God, what’s my (Your) question? What are my miracles and blessings?

(suggestion: start to work after the age of 21+)


What is your child’s mood like most of the time?

Is s/he often unhappy, sad or tearful?

Does your child’s mood change abruptly for no apparent reason?

Have you noticed a change in his/her interest in things s/he used to enjoy?

Have you noticed a change in his/her energy or activity level?

Is s/he more quiet than usual?


Fifth Sphere (Air)= Rebirth “Birth” (Repent & Fortitude)
The transmutation of Health by Listening: Moving with His Intents & Affirmations to Laugh Joyously, Completion (Simple RAS- gifts/Gut-wishes and dreams)

Ras/ HPA & ACC/Gut – to know, perceive, recognize, have, aware, cognizant, do laugh (reverence, ask, repent, reconciliation). Say, I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me- Forgive Our Trespasses, As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us (Daily Bread- Mercy/Glory & Grace/Victory).

Divine Blessings (6-8th chakra) (Berachot)- (Ahavat Olam) Theta HERE The Lion of Juda-To The Lamb; Draw to Spirit of Life In Jesus (Yeshua Hamashiach)- The Spirit Of Fire (Micheal)- 2nd chakra…Blessed, Surrender To His Will & Glorious Presence (Mashaikh), Coming In The Shadows of the Clouds of Glory and Mercy; Now Shining Like A Pearl, (Yehudah) Holy, Holy, Holy Thank You Almighty God (al-Rahman). Atonement for Our Soul. Yehudah (ha-ar-YEI meesh-SHE-vet ye-HOO-dah)

Includes The Golden Menorah & Candlestick (see 6th above) “The Holy Spirit” Divine Grace & Mercy Union (see 6th) plus 7, 8th (Below)- Theta HERE Raguel, The Eagle-Enlightenment, Unalome, Truth of Suffering & Power of Light, Love & Self-Discipline (Number 11 corresponds with 11th- see below)- Universal and Supra-causal Self= Non-Duality, Universal Consciousness, Great Void (Infinity Sign, Hourglass), The Big Wheel, Unity with God, Chapulet– 7 Feast, 7 Churches, The 7 Lamp (Comfort) /777- number of God/, The Secret Place of God and Considered Holy (Saint)

-7th (Divine Love/ Living Grace)- Theta 741 Hz and HERE /sol/— and Here Chamuel- Finding Creative Expression and Solutions- Mother Mary (Chakra 3rd) Sword Cuts The Ties Freedom of The Ego/Anything Negative- Spirit Releasement (Chakras 1-3rd), Shield Protects You From Evil (Chakra 5th), The Mirror Reflects God’s Image (Chakra 4th), The Soul-Spirit Dwells In The Light (see light below- pink card) & Beauty Of God (Scepter and Pillar- Chakra 6th)- Flowing Presence of Light-seeing temple no longer cloud (see 9th of completion).

-8th (Divine Honor/Living Mercy) Theta 852 Hz /La/ and HERE— Spiritual Homecoming & A Living God- Living In God’s Will- Ezekiel, Moses & Yehudah (The Lion of Judah) (High Immunity see RAS healed which corresponds with 1-3rd chakras, 4-6th), The Lion To Lamb, Jesus Is The Driving Force of The Inner-Self (Inner Wheel-Thymus). The Spirit Of Mercy (Jesus) being the strength and loving-kidness of God. Based in the sympathetic region, anger and others can be held if not released.

Sixth Sphere (Water)= Redemption/Rejoice “Marriage” (Rejoice & Wellness)

The affirmation of power of love for healing to Speak for Maintenance Prayers and Your Praise of Salvation (Humble Pons-Favor of Blessings)

Pons- to come, meet, move, reach, arrive, approach, advance, speak love and sing (rejoice, obedience and good deeds). Say, Thank you for forgiving me- Also, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Divine Gate (9-11th chakra)- Divine Love & Honor Union (PRPA- LH) . Worship in the “The Glory Realms” aka “Heavenly Realms”- the prayers of faithful up to heaven- “The Paths”, Seeing God, Lion to Lamb, Supra-causal Truth, Theta 963 Hz /Si/ Enter 2nd Gate of Jesus, St Germain (see 8/8/21)- Confidently Seeing God (Pure/Strength & Blameless/Loving-Kindness), See Etherical/Non-physical or 7D plus and strengthens connection with soul (4D, 11th to the 3rd Power- Resurrection 33- Thanksgiving) 8th chakra activates 8-15 chakras)

Divine LoveThe Alter of Incense” Theta /1248Hz/ “The Sacred Heart” and HERE The Spirit Of Wind- Raphael (Air)- chakras 5, 6 “Speaking The Truth- Being With Life”- Hallelujah. Tender, Peaceful, and Beautiful Dove.

-9 chakra (star child) Divine Purity-Saraqael (Living Glory– cleansed, rebirth, patience, reverence, and righteous) – meaning/ motivation (spirit level) in Supra Casual Truth, corresponds with 1-3rd chakras (Especially 2nd chakra-gut). Joy in the Heart.

-10th chakra (causal) Divine Revelation (Living Victory– blameless life, virtue, and reconciliation) – meaning/ motivation (spirit level) is Full Consciousness (Corresponds with 5th chakra-Ras, 6th chakra-Pons). Peace in the Mind.

Euphraino means: a “well mind” (yoo-frah’ee-no/ eu, “well,” phren, “the mind” intellect, disposition)- by having a cause for celebration, make glad; (mid./pass.) to celebrate, rejoice, be glad. I am blessed with a Pure Heart (No Fear, Only Love). I am blessed with a Blameless Mind (Not True, I Am Love).

Divine Honor “The Table of Shrewbread” Theta /1491Hz/ and HERE The Spirit Of Water-Gabriel, chakra 4 “Washed Of Sins- Being The Light-Knowledge of The Spirit of God”= wheel- endless circle of nature which is marked by spiritual or personal characteristics: Maturity and Completeness (Godward attitude, confess which is pleasing, discernment, confident, devotion, perseverance, piety, worship, increase in stature) Note: life, birth, marriage, death due for marriage and unity- in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love…2 Corinthians 8:7

-11th chakra (soul star) Divine Power-Remiel (Living Hope– fulfillment of promises such as connection, goodness, curiosity, integrity, honor, and trust, etc.) corresponds with 5th chakra & Divine Authority (Living Faith– fulfillment of blessings and miracles such as beauty, greatness, and light) corresponds with 6th chakra (9-11 chakras) – ultimate meaning/ motivation (spirit level) is Non-Return (Salvation- “Doing Good Works”/ (7) Bear Fruit & The Joy of Salvation Psalms 37:5 (NIV) Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this…love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness (Galatians 5:22-23). Full and Authentic- Harmony and Bliss of Body, Heart & Mind (Leb). (5D, 12th to the 6th Power= 72, a 6 strand, double strand helix X #- Realities Beyond 3D & 4D, 18 inches height of body measure) 11th chakra activates 16-22 chakras). The New Heaven & Earth- “Taken-up or Staying Here”.

——————–(ARAS) Authentic BODY-SOUL-SPIRIT CONNECTION (All Chakras beyond 22 plus all 33, 44, 55, etc.)


Seventh Sphere (Earth)= Refrain & Live In Love “Death”- The Most Holy Place (Completion & Judgement)

The belief in God and maintain The Ultimate connection with imagination /Intelligence of God through Meditation/Prayer in and Transformation (Eager Thymus aka”leb”- Miracles, Signs)

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;…John 11:25. For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live. Romans 8:13

Thymus- to be, have, belong, remain, imagine living in love (wisdom, curiosity, “intellect”, connect). Say, I love you, You are my strength by your power and loving-kindness of glory, forever and ever, In the Name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit.

Divine Unity/Absolute Holiness aka “The Arc of the Covenant” and “The Blood” and intersession prayers and complete Reconciliation.The blood represents atonement from a life given, and water represents life received through both the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.

  • Spirit of God and His transforming work in our lives.
  • Blood points to remission of past sins, the forgiveness of present and future sins.
  • Water points to the Word of God washing, renewing, and cleansing us from sin in the inner man to conform us into the image of Jesus, the Word made flesh.

Delta /1815/ and HERE, HERE “Theosis”, “Spirit of The Lord” chakra 7 – includes freedom with wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, fear and delight. Flaming sword (Hebrew: להט החרב‎ lahat chereb or literally “flame of the whirling sword” by the Fire of the Holy Spirit“Sacred Flame”, 12th Dimension (Flow suggestion: ARAS, RAS, & Pons Thymus) Absolute Self- super consciousness starts around age of 30+), Fill Conscious-Self With Nurturing Our Very Own Nature of Love (6D, 13 to the 9th Power=117, 3/6/9 mystery of universe/heaven and our DNA ties together as ONE In His Image: see Cook’s Nurture Their Nature & Flotte’s Helixical System (6X)) as prepare for 1,000 years of Peace. Divine Event- It is the return of Jesus in power and great glory of The Kingdom- one month after resurrection, May 17th, 2000 years later=2029. The New DNA!!!

-12th chakra (4) Divine Unity & Absolute Holiness– aka “The Perfect”, “The Holy of Holies” (stellar gate)- Delta & Gamma and HERE & Theta & Gamma & Alpha & Theta God’s Left Hand, includes Spiritual gifts, wishes, blessings, signs, wonders, and miracles & promises confirmed through 1) Divine Love (Jesus)- Hope, Glory, & Mercy of God; 2) Divine Honor (Holy Spirit aka Spirit Of The Holy)- Faith, Victory, & Grace of God, corresponds with all chakras!! Living Completely Spirit-led, Eternal, and Innermost Comfort of God in His Kingdom! (7D, 2 to the 8th (32) to 11th power= 352- Approach God’s Throne With Confidence Leb- pure and blameless) /2,8, 11/ 3) Your Etheric Body (light/life)-His Highest Will Be Done and upon your dream life. Basically, you have to humbly focus on your strengths and express yourself in the right way (His Truth By The Spirit- knowledge of His absolute, infinite, complete, perfect, power Love (Glory). Besides, you have to keep your eyes on the prize and be persistent with everything you do (Eternal Host Of Heaven) by being in and overtaken by His Light. 4) God, Almighty King, is EVERYTHING including strength and loving-kindness (His Commands, Spoken Word). ONE Earth!!

We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”


  • Revelation of Glory
  • Clothed In Light & “The Truth”
  • Radiating In The Truth Of God/

Living In His Will

/2, 8, 11/ Universal/Supra Causal Self: Miracles and Blessings: Supra-Mundane God= transcending the mundane : spiritual, celestial, Etheric Body– Covered and Overshadowed by His Power & Spirit means no longer Anger/Shame nor has problems with both the emotional and mental body (mind)- I have found where most kids and adults are learning from!!! Trust in our “synonymous why” we don’t take things without examining- we can reject and not just follow everyone else’s ideas, thoughts, feelings, perceptions! Lastly, with God’s perceptions, we think in extraordinary way, which if we can learn to trust our diverse, subjective mind then the world is an magnificent place!!!

The “Truth” Simple, Humble & Eager: Existence in The Ultimate Reality- Connection with God
Absolute Love & Honor: “Ultimately real or in accord with ultimate reality” /trōōth/ ( אמת , ‘ĕmeth , אמוּנה , ‘ĕmūnāh , primary idea of “firmness,” “stability” (compare Exodus 17:12 ), hence “constancy,” “faithfulness,” etc.; the Septuagint’s Apocrypha and the New Testament, ἀλήθεια , alḗtheia (Romans 3:7 ), πίστις , pı́stis (Romans 3:3 ); in adjectival and adverbial sense, “in truth,” “of a truth,” “faithful,” etc.; ἀληθῶς , alēthṓs (Luke 21:3; John 6:14; John 7:40; 1 Thessalonians 2:13 ); ἀληθινός , alēthinós (John 17:3 ); ὄντως , óntōs (1 Corinthians 14:25 ); πιστός , pistós (1 Timothy 3:1 ); in the King James Version; the Revised Version (British and American), the American Standard Revised Version, as generally, “faithful”; Anglo-Saxon: treow , tryw with Teutonic stem, trau , “to believe,” “to keep faith”): I. TERMS II. GENERAL VIEW 1. Aspects of Truth (1) Ontological (2) Logical (3) Moral (4) Religious 2. Standards of Truth 3. Special Features in Biblical Writings III. ANALYTICAL SUMMARY 1. Truth in God 2. Truth in Man 3. Truth in Religion I. Terms. The English word has developed and maintained the broadest, most general and varied usage, going beyond both Hebrew and Greek, which were already extended in connotation. It is possible to analyze and classify the special applications of the term almost indefinitely, using other terms to indicate specific meanings in special connections eg.:
loyalty (Judges 9:15 );
honesty (Exodus 18:21 );
fidelity (Deuteronomy 32:4 );
justice (Romans 2:2 );
uprightness (Isaiah 38:3 );
faith (Isaiah 26:2 );
righteousness (Psalms 85:10 );
reality (John 17:19 );
veracity (Genesis 42:16 ).
It is unfortunate that translators have generally adhered to single terms to represent the original words. On the other hand, they have sometimes introduced words not represented in the original, and thus unduly limited the meaning. An example is Ephesians 4:15 , where the original meaning “being true,” i.e. in all respects, is narrowed to “speaking the truth.” II. General View. No term is more familiar and none more difficult of definition. Retrieved from Developer Abdullah Saleem, Bible Dictionary-Kayman Associates.

Read more here:

Transformation (Simple Rebirth), Redemption/Rejoice (Humble), and Completion (Eager to Refrain)
  • (2) RAS- Jesus (Door-intent/belief : “the way”)
  • (8) Pons- Holy Spirit (Gate- affirmation of truth in “the light”)
  • (11) Thymus- God (The Veil, Unity- belief/connection for “life”)


Example- Spirit of My God (The Gate), hallowed be your name. I’m sorry, please forgive me. In Faith, please have Mercy, and Come Be, Upon Me: To Be joyful in hope, gentle in affliction, and faithful in prayer. I love you. I am worthy, because of your Glory, I know for Your perfect, Will be done in Your Magnificence and I Accept Your Salvation (Spirit Of Mercy- The Door). Thank you. I pray In The Name, Of The Father, Son and Holy Spirit (The Gate).

The Gate: Say Truly In Testimony Jesus said,…Address By Name:

In The Name: God; One, Of The Lord; My Father; Son Of Man; Mighty One; The Father; My God; The Son, The Holy Spirit; The Lord, Our God; Lord Is One; My Lord; My God; Lord, Your God; The Spirit Of The Lord; Most High; Lord, Jesus Christ; Angel, Of God

The Door: Say Truly In Testimony Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7

Be, Upon Me; Peace, Be Still; Let, It Be; Don’t, Be afraid; It, Is Written; Serve, Him Only; Rejoice; Be Glad; Away, From Me; I, Am Willing; Take Heart, Son; Get Up, Walk; Praise You, Father; Now, I see; Let, Them Hear; Now, Take Courage; Be, Careful; Get, Behind Me; Get, Up; Spirit, Is Willing; Now, Be Quiet; Quiet, Be Still; Go, In Peace; Listen, To me; Faith, Healed You; Faith, In God; Get Behind, Me Satan; Just, Believe; Light, On You; Now, Set Free; Rejoice, With Me; Why, Do You Struggle; I Have Already Taken This From You; Mercy, On Me; Be, Thou Exalted

The Door Cont.: Beliefs: I am worthy because… I am enough because…I am saved because…

Your Divine… Intentions: Transmutation, Revelation, Salvation, Honor, His Affirmations: Authority, Power, Transformation, Magnificence

The Three in One with God’s Unity above especially the RAS flow (Mountain Waters) with our senses and sense organs to eyes (see-understand), ears (hear- comprehend), hands and feet (to do His Glorious Works) and lastly the mouth to declare God, as King.

SEE RAS & Pons (1-3rd chakra) especially 2nd chakra including ACC/HPA along with chakras 6–8th includes the Pineal & Pituitary Gland, PONS part of the brain, Crown, Pituitary and Alta Major/Soma Chakra (Cingulate Gyrus- the cingulate gyrus is a large arch-like lobe in the center of the inner brain that is a part of the limbic system. This area of the brain functions to process conscious emotional experience).

SEE Also Thymus (6-8th chakra) especially the 8th and 11th chakra which mainly is part of the brainstem via the vagus nerve (thymus 8th chakra- vagus nerve chakra) involved in arousal (hyper-hypo) which helps to learn such as focus/attention, sensory integration, hormones released, speed processing, LT/ST memory, vigilance/ motivation, and overall (hypo-, hyper-, & varied) arousal, sleep and wakefulness, and control of reflexes. Also, work on the thymus with the thymus chakra also known as the seat of the soul, vagus nerve chakra to the gut near (2nd charka).

I am blessed with a Pure Heart. I am blessed with a Blameless Mind. I Have Spiritual Gifts.

Affirmation of Faith: I am blessed. I have peace.

Prayer (see below) :

For I praise The Lord, Thank you God for _________________(intent-gate). Therefore, I am ______________ __________________(affirmation) and I have ________________(belief-door). Thank you God for your ______________, (connection) In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Pray for Others For The Following:

I: Acceptance of Salvation (Gate)

“The Light” (Surrender)

Mind Of God In Your Soul= Favor of Blessings

A. Affirmations of Transmutation: Faith & Hope

b. Hope (Door Open By Spirit Of Hope)= releases trust

c. Divine Purity of trust= cleansed, rebirth,

patience, righteous, harmony, & knowledge

b. Faith (Door Open By Spirit Of Faith)= releases peace

c. Divine Revelation of peace= blameless life,

virtue, reverence, and reconciliation, & wisdom


7-12 Ray- Alchemy and Transmutation (Conquer Fear)

  • With God- Sharing The Throne of Gold, Long White Robe, River of Fire
  • Harmony Of Thy Lord, Knowledge, Truth, Justice (The Lantern, Spear)
  • 144, 000 (#1) angels including Zadkeil (Purple) and Raguel (Burgundy/Orange) “The Shepard”
  • With Divine Grace/Mercy, Divine Glory/Victory, Divine Faith/Hope and Divine Honor/Love, Worshiping by Praise saying, Yehudah (יהודה) “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His Glory.” Isaiah 6:3
  • Sanctification- Attention to Sins (Humbly Fearing The Lord)
  • Sweet Chariot- I’ll Fly Away, Amazing Grace, Goodness of God, I’ll Not Be Afraid– “I’ll Keep The Promise He Made Me”
  • Mt Sinai- Jesus is the Lamb (Jesus Is With Me- I get My Help From The Lord)
  • Mt. Olives- given instruction, receive robe, praise, shown salvation, May 17, 2029
  • Calm= Praise/ Worship
  • Holy Crown (5 available)- deemed a son or daughter in Christ through a narrow gate
  • Garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom- REBIRTH (SIMPLE)< REDEEM/REJOICE (HUMBLE)< REFRAIN/COMPLETION (EAGER)
  • Set Apart as Sheep- Devoted to God, Humbly Doing His Will, Serving His People by Knowledge/Wisdom by Speaking, Sharing Of The Truth (His Word)
  • Ask for His Will and Purpose (see and hear), when you pray with Hope & Faith, pray as though you have received (Gate of Righteous), do “good works” by the flow from The Spirit of God
  • For where your treasure is [the gifts], there your heart [leb] will be also. Matthew 6:21
  • Surrender t Holy Spirit- Joy and Harmony Conquers Fear
  • Confirmed Salvation- Bear Fruit & The Joy of Salvation: Our greatest reason to be joyful is that God wants to save us and spend eternity with us. Nothing is better than this. (Might & Harmony)
  • Chant of Joyful Mysteries– releasing the arrogant ties of the heart and mind “The Leb”
  • Green (us), Orange (God-strength (mercy-hope), Pink (loving-kindness (grace-faith)

DAILY PRAYER– :”The Lords Prayer”

(Daily Bread- heart) I’m sorry,please daily give me mercy and grace.

(Trespasses- mind) Please forgive me, I want to fulfill your purpose bring you Glory and Victory.

(Deliver- soul) Thank you, with true devotion- I keep hope and faith now.

(Commands of Power/Glory- spirit) I love you, with all the Divine Love and Honor for which you gave me!!!!

What is Spiritual Refrain? Keep oneself from doing, feeling, or indulging in something and especially from following a passing impulse, thought, idea, feeling, or emotion by Spiritual Mindset. A Spiritual Mindset is an existence in ultimate reality encompassing divine power of truth by supernatural influence/flow of beliefs and scripture such as a comment or statement that is often repeated, such as those of:

love- loyalty
joy- honesty
peace- faith
strength- justice
kindness- uprightness



Have you noticed a change in his/her sleep patterns or appetite? Dosha & Personality.


The Second Man- The Shift Of Directions In The Heights of Heaven and End Of The Age: Ultimate Power & Glory includes Strength (Alpha Completed- Now Omega “Who Is First, Is Now Last”):

Transmutation: Completion, Redemption, and Transformation Reversed

(11) Thymus- God (Unity- belief/connection for “life”)

(8) Pons- Holy Spirit (Gate- affirmation of truth in “the light”)

(2) RAS- Jesus (Door-intent/belief : “the way”)

The shift in direction think of the 3 pillars: (Heart) Left pillar of Mercy-Knowledge-Strength (Yin) is masculine (new brain-now old), (Mind) Right pillar of Grace-Wisdom–Kindness (Yang) is feminine (old brain-now new). The One earth with 1,000 years of peace and OLD DNA will Be apart from The New DNA!!!

Transmutation That’s Simple, Humble & Eager- “The Smite & The Kingdom”

(11) Thymus- God Unity of The Trinity: *Power (God), Glory (Holy Spirit), “The Kingdom” (Jesus) (7D= 10D times/ (7D = 14 to the 10th power= 140)) Human Race Fulfills Prophesy As ONE‘-Those Staying, “The Time Of Harvest”-The First (Alpha WILL BE Last) Appearance as Man (top) Strength- ὦ- Cross for Omega, Jesus Reins “His Kingdom Stands”: Forever and Ever Amen. “The Shift” Of Directions (7D) Image above #7:50 “The Throne Scene“: S.C. (“The Power”)– 1) Greek Letter A- alpha A (South- Eagle) “The Judged” Jesus Awareness- Strength, Empathy (Mercy/Grace) (first or primary) IS NOW LASTThe Strength”- ὦ- Cross Jesus Christ Rules as Omega, Where Jesus Reins “His Kingdom Stands”: Forever and Ever, Amen with You at Jesus’ Left or Right Hand.

D – Dominance (Fire) Direct & Task Oriented People

Emphasize:         Shaping the environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish results

Characteristics:   Decisive, quick, competitive, results-oriented, risk-taker, assertive, self- assured, adventuresome

Communication: Blunt

Tendencies:         Generating ideas, getting immediate, results, causing action, accepting challenges

Responsiveness: Short/quick answers

Motivated by:      Power & authority, prestige & challenge, opportunity for individual accomplishments

Ayin- The Eye Of The Throne

Therefore, EVERYONE including those left You Enter Life- Shekinah symbol (see middle light above- eyes which are parallel to “eyelids” or “orbs” in Pr 4:25), of the Divine Presence, where the cherubim (alpha) enter the mercy seat (right hand of God) and everyone will see the Lord. The ark and the atonement, God appeared in His glory in “unapproachable light” (1 Timothy 6:16). This light is sometimes referred to as the Shekinah glory. Shekinah-Hebrew for dwelling and used to denote the dwelling of divine presence of God, especially in the Temple in Jerusalem. Shekinah represented the feminine attributes of the presence of God. Nearest Christian concept of Shekinah is Holy Spirit. Shekinah was manifest in the Tabernacle and the Temple of Jerusalem throughout Rabbinic literature and the Bible. He built his sanctuary like the heights, like the earth that he established forever. Psalms 78:69 NIV

Nun- God Is Available to All in The World To Come

Their faces looked like this: Each of the four had the face of a human being, and on the right side each had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an ox; each also had the face of an eagle. Ezekiel 1:10 NIV

Traditionally “first”; “sacrificial ox”; and “one thousand.” As the first of all the holy Letters, and symbol of God’s Oneness and Omnipotence, aleph is a three-in-one presentation. Its upper right segment consists of a yod, the first letter in the Name of the Divine. A second yod in the aleph’s lower left segment signifies the Creator resident withis His creation. The central diagonal connecting pillar is the vau, symbol of transformation. Aleph thus represents the process of spiritual transformation from human to super-human and is linked with the belief in absolute monotheism–that there is but one true living God.
AKA “Language of Light”. Green (us), Orange (God), Pink (Love)

Completion- Simple Rebirth “The Smoke” Birth

Yod, the 1st. letter in the Name of the Divine. A 2nd. Yod in the Aleph’s lower left segment signifies the Creator resident within Its creation. The central diagonal connecting pillar is the Vau, symbol of Spiritual transformation. Reigns over Breath (AIR) in the Universe. The word Aleph is ‘OX’ head. Yod, the symbol of completion, Aleph the 1st. letter in the Name of the Divine– Divine Blessings (4D X2 = 8 (repentance) +1=9 (prayer))- 600,00 angels- Those Taken Up Divine Grace & Mercy Union (5th Seal)– Greek Letter K (Now West- Ox)- Those With Courage (Wisdom/Glory) & compassion (Purity/Victory) Are Given White Robes of righteousness for the Human Race Divine Transmutation– Divinely Appointed Witnesses (The Deep Sleep). Reigns over Breath (AIR) in the Universe. The word Aleph is ‘OX’ head. Value 1. Lamed 30 Pey 80 The combination of ALEPH =111. The Second Sapphire Revelation 21:19

I – Influencing (Air) Direct & Relationship Oriented People

Emphasize:         Shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others

Characteristics:   Sociable, enthusiastic, optimistic, generous, persuasive, friendly, confident, energetic

Communication: Expressive

Tendencies:         Promoting ideas, contacting people

making a favorable impression, open about personal feelings & thoughts, have a need to be liked by others

Responsiveness: Talks freely

Motivated by:      Social recognition, public recognition of ability, freedom of expression

Redemption– Humbly Redemption/Rejoice “The Blood” Marriage

(8) Pons As the third letter in the Ha Shem, symbol of redemption- the Holy Name and the 2nd. Yod in the Aleph’s lower left segment signifies the Creator resident with is His creation– Divine Gate (5DX2 =10+2= 12 D- praise /2 144,000)- Approx. 72,000 angels-Those Staying Divine Love & Honor Union (6th Seal)– Greek Letter N– Nu (Now East- Lion) (Converge or Turning Point to God’s Power and Influence) Earth Quake, Sun Moon, Stars. Human Race Divine Revelation Redemption- Hope & Faith– The Resurrection Of The Bodies. Traditionally this symbolizes “Humanity” and the “Restoration of Judgment.”- now garments of salvation (tokens, crown,etc). Ha Shem (“Blessed is the Name [of God]”). Bet symbolizes the Duality and Plurality of Creation, the two worlds of the Jewish faith–“This World” and the “World to Come”–and emphasizes the fact that our pre-eminent task in This World is to prepare of the World to Come. The Fourth Emerald Revelation 21:19

S – Steadiness (Water) Indirect & Relationship Oriented People

Emphasize:             Cooperating with others to carry out the task

Characteristics:       Amiable, easy going, patient, predictable, team player, loyal, deliberate, sensitive

Communication:     Practical

Tendencies:            Implementing ideas,

performing in a consistent, predictable manner, developing specialized skills, demonstrating patience, want fair and equitable situations for all involved

Responsiveness:      Controlled

Motivated by:         Status quo unless given reasons for change, predictable routines, credit for work accomplished

Transformation- Eager to Refrain “The Fire” Death

(2) RAS Vau third letter– symbol of transformation- Divine Unity (6D X 4= 24/ 12 D- praise =2nd 144,000- the elders)- Approx. 72,000 angels- Those Staying Divine Unity & Absolute Holiness (7th Seal)– Greek Letter Chi X (West- Man) (Angels Separate Good & Bad In Order To Balance or Eternal Existence) Human Race Divine Acceptance of Salvation Judgement- Love & Honor Silence In Heaven (1.5 hours in heaven/approx. 4 days on earth, the 17-21st). When our Lord returns in His glory He will have “all the holy angels with Him” (Matthew 25:31). Not one will be left behind. Heaven will be emptied of its angel throng; as they accompany Him to earth to gather together His elect (see above alpha/omega). The central diagonal connecting pillar is the Vau, symbol of Spiritual transformation, represents Completion, Redemption and Transformation. It is the letter of continuity, uniting Heaven with Earth. When used with certain vowels (as i the probably pronunciation of the Name of God), vau can be Jehovah as an English translation for the Hebrew Name of God. The Fifth Agate Revelation 21:19

C – Conscientiousness (Earth) Indirect & Task Oriented People

Emphasize:             Working conscientiously within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy

Characteristics:       Precise, systematic, reserved, analytical, cautious, perfectionist, diplomatic, discreet

Communication:     Controlled

Tendencies:            Makes certain key details are covered with new ideas concentrating on key details thinking analytically, weighting options

Responsiveness:      Inexpressive

Motivated by:         Clearly defined performance expectations, valuing quality and accuracy, reserved business-like atmosphere

Key: Simply Live In Love & Laugh

Note: helps you remember calm to deal with problems and calm yourself in facing chaos.

Free Blameless Lives Bible study:

Free Blameless Lives II:

Free Viable Seed Workbook:

‘“Because he loves me,” says the Lord , “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”’ Psalms 91:14-16

And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.” Isaiah 6:3

“The Lord bless you and keep you; Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6: 24-26

Author: D. W. Whittle
Tune: [“Christ hath redeemed us;” sing the glad world]
Published in 2 hymnals
Audio files: MIDI

1 “Christ hath redeemed us;” sing the glad world!
Mercy’s sweet message be telling,
How thro’ the ransom made by His blood,
Christ now within us dwelling.

“Christ hath redeemed us;” Praise to His name!
Praise Him, ye angels in glory;
“Christ hath redeemed us,” bearing our shame;
Tell out the wonderful story.

2 “Christ hath redeemed us,” making us free,
Free from the sins that enslave us;
Never in bondage more can we be,
Trusting in Him who hath saved us. [Refrain]

3 “Christ hath redeemed us;” we are His own,
Purchased by blood; He will hold us;
Nor will He ever leave us alone,
Safely His arms shall enfold us. [Refrain]

4 “Christ hath redeemed us;” soon with the throng
Gathered in glory we’ll meet Him;
O with what rapture join in the song,
When face to face we shall greet Him. [Refrain]


Below Link

DWELL With The LIVING NOT DEAD- Hope & Faith

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7 Natural Rays of Light SOLUTION ABC’s & PYAM



The Solution: When using the etherical body, ALL our systems and senses will function equalized, activated, and balanced. The triune brain which is the forebrain (thymus aka reptilian), (pons- aka limbic system), and the neomammalian complex (RAS- aka neocortex) needs to be working in an upward function. With a functional system, the child [or adult] can trust themselves and their gifts and learning uniquenesses through spiritual mindset with self-directed neuroplasticity through ABC’s and gain God awareness (eventually unity) through PYAM Daily.

Highest Heaven- (Part of Heaven 3) God (Etherical Body) THYMUS aka reptilian (H. Heart & Mind- authentic breath)


(Heaven 1-3) Holy Ghost (Emotional Body) PONS aka limbic system (Body & Mind- breath)


The Ego” JESUS (Mental Body) RAS the aka neocortex (Body & Brain- breath)

From what you’ve read, you will understand: heaven, the universe, eachother, our DNA (ourselves), God all are ONE.Neural Circuits: Decoding obesity in the brainstem | eLife

Brain Balancing (Equanimity):

7 Natural Rays of Light SOLUTION ABC’s & PYAM DAILY:

“The Why of the My ELBERT program: Holistic Alternatives for Learning:





Resources for student and their parents:



Part Vb HERE





RAS Controls the HPA/ACC, PONS, THYMUS aka Leb Controls Everything

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